
The Park Ridge Park District is committed to open communication regarding meetings, policies, fiscal and recreation operations. We invite suggestions and participation at all levels.

View Financial Policies



Compensation Disclosure

In compliance with Public Act 97-609, total compensation disclosure information is available for public inspection here.

The Executive Director is under contract with the Board of Commissioners. The Executive Director’s compensation may change periodically.

At the April 17, 2025, Board meeting, the Board will consider the following: Retroactive to January 1, 2025, the Executive Director shall be paid a base salary of $171,600.


The Park District provides retirement and/or disability benefits, through the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF), for employees who meet eligibility requirements. In compliance with Public Act 101-504, information on the District’s participation, contribution and rates is available here.

SEIU Collective Bargaining Agreement

A copy of the Park Ridge Park District And Service Employees International Union, Local 73 Collective Bargaining Agreement is available here.

Vendor Information - Illinois Public Act 102-0265

In 2021, the State of Illinois enacted Public Act 102-0265 – Property Tax – Vendor Report. This law requires that any taxing district with a property tax levy of more than $5,000,000 must make a good faith effort to collect and electronically publish data as to whether vendors and subcontractors doing business with the taxing district are minority-, women-, or veteran-owned businesses.

Value of Your Taxes

If you’re a Park Ridge Park District resident, 5.85% of your local real estate tax bill is allocated to making it possible for us to provide outdoor parks, facilities, programs, events, conservation programs, and other offerings that enhance quality of life in the community.

In all, tax dollars comprise about half of the annual Park District budget, with fees from activities, as well as sponsorships and other donations, making up the other half.

These are just some of the ways we all benefit from investing in parks and recreation:

Our Health

Access to parks and recreation facilities leads to healthy lifestyles for people of all ages. Recreation can build self-esteem, reduce stress and improve overall wellness.

Our Community

Parks give communities a vital identity. Well-maintained, accessible parks and recreation facilities are key elements of strong, safe, family-friendly communities.

Our Economy

Parks enhance property values, contribute to healthy and productive workforces, and help attract and retain businesses.

Our Environment

Parks play a key role in preserving water and air quality, reducing congestion, and protecting wildlife. People learn about the environment firsthand in parks and take those lessons home with them.

Understanding Equalized Assessed Value (EAV)

How is the EAV of a property determined?

The Cook County Assessor’s Office determines the EAV of a property by first taking its market value times the County’s assessment ratio, which is currently 10%. This number is referred to as the property’s assessed value.

The County then takes the assessed value and multiplies it by the State Equalization Factor to come up with the EAV, which is the taxable value of the property (minus any homeowner exemptions).

The EAV is then multiplied by the tax rate to determine a property’s tax amount for the year.


Market Value $485,000 (average PR homeowner)
mutiplied by assessment ratio of 10% = $48,550
multiplied by State Equalizing Factor x 2.9706
Equalized Assessed Value $144,223

Additional information on understanding your tax bill.

Learn More