March 14, 2025 - Our goal has been to open Oakton Park and Facilities in August 2025. While the majority of the project is on target to meet this timeline, we regret to inform you that the Oakton Driving Range will not be ready to open as planned.
As part of the project, we are installing new netting and poles at the Oakton Driving Range. Throughout the process, we have worked closely with engineers, including conducting a comprehensive trajectory study, to determine the necessary pole heights and ensure the safety of our patrons, staff, and property at Oakton Park. Due to various factors, the bidding process for this work was conducted multiple times, with the latest bid accepted last month. The contractor has informed us the steel poles have a long manufacturing lead time, forcing us to delay the opening. We explored options with the contractor, and others, to expedite the process, but no feasible solutions were available. The earliest possible installation for the netting and poles is October, after which the landscape contractor will need time to restore the grounds. As a result, the Oakton Driving Range will not open for the 2025 season.
Additionally, this delay may impact the opening of the adjacent Dog Park due to its proximity to the Driving Range. We will provide further updates as work progresses.
To accommodate golfers during the 2025 season, our staff is exploring other potential opportunities. If an agreement is reached, we will share further details.
We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to complete this project while prioritizing the safety of all involved.
February 27, 2025 - Work indoors is progressing steadily, with electrical work, wiring, and painting continuing. Flooring installation has also begun throughout the building. Outside, siding installation also continues.
In the coming month, key milestones include installing bleachers and dasher boards in the main ice rink, as well as netting and turf in the indoor athletic field building.
February 3, 2025 - Drywall, painting, and electrical work continue throughout the facility as construction moves forward. The fire and sprinkler systems have been installed and successfully tested, ensuring key safety measures are in place. Framing and concrete work have begun on the elevator shaft, marking another step forward. In the athletic field building, translucent panels have been installed, bringing more natural light into the space.
November 20, 2024 - The main rink building is getting a fresh new look as the old siding is removed and replaced. The mechanical building is being demolished, with framing for the west walls set to follow. Plywood sheeting and siding are being added to the new sections of the building, which include the lobby, multipurpose rooms, and training room. Utility updates are underway throughout the facility, covering electric, gas, and plumbing systems. In the Studio Rink, the steel is being repainted. Grading work has begun for the indoor athletic field. Outdoors, the pathway around the building has been paved, and the west parking lot curbs have been poured and lot paved. The new patio off the lobby has also been poured.
October 17, 2024 - Window and door framing is being installed throughout the interior of the building. Masonry block work for the lobby area restrooms is being completed this week. Overhead lighting is being installed in the indoor athletic field, while the painting of the structural steel continues. Once painting in the athletic field building is completed, painting will begin in the Studio Ice Rink. Curbs in the parking lot are poured. Landscaping in the islands and pathways in the south parking lot are completed. Light poles in the parking lot will be installed next week, and paving will start at the end of the month. ComEd is scheduled to install the new transformer next week. This work will allow the new electrical room to be completed, and the old mechanical area to be demolished.
September 26, 2024 - Curbs have been poured in the parking lot, grading is underway, and island landscaping has started. The concrete floors for both the main and studio ice rinks have been poured, and ductwork installation in the main rink is in progress. Meanwhile, the steel structural beams in the indoor athletic field are being painted.
September 4, 2024 - The Zoning Board of Appeals unanimously approved a variance to increase the driving range netting and pole height from 125 to 150 feet per the trajectory study recommendation during the Thursday, August 22 meeting. The City Council unanimously approved at the Tuesday, September 3.
August 29, 2024 - Refrigeration line work continues for the main rink, and concrete flooring has been poured in the lobby, restrooms, office, and concession areas. Masonry work for the restrooms is set to begin this week. Sand is being placed in preparation for the refrigeration lines in the studio rink. Meanwhile, concrete along the interior perimeter of the turf building has been poured, and work continues on the parking lot.
August 19, 2024 - Ice lines are being installed for the main rink floor, while concrete flooring is being prepped and poured in the lobby, restrooms, staff offices, and concession area. The exterior sheeting and detailing of the turf building are also advancing, and the storm trap detention basin has been installed in the parking lot.
July 23, 2024 - Steel framing for the entire building is being installed and the building is taking shape. Masonry work continues to advance across the site.
July 11, 2024 - Progress continues as the framework for the indoor athletic field building is starting to be installed.
Bids were opened today for the following packages:
- Curtains
- Landscaping
- Pavers
- Flooring
- Millwork
- Painting
June 17, 2024 - Footings for the new studio ice rink and indoor athletic field buildings have been set. Framework for the new studio ice rink building has started to be installed.
May 23, 2024 - Bids were opened on May 23 for the following packages:
- Detention Basin
- Translucent Panels
May 16, 2024 - Progress is moving steadily at the Oakton Park project, with selective demolition and site grading as the primary areas of focus.The Park District has received our permit from Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD).
Bid packages for the detention basin and translucent panels will be opened on Thursday, May 23.
April 19, 2024 - Trees that were needed to be removed for construction, but were identified as sources for reclaiming lumber, were removed and set to the mill for processing. Asbestos abatement began, and selective interior demolition is ongoing.
March 21, 2024 - The project has moved into the construction phase which began with Park District staff removing ice and clearing out the ice arena. Construction fencing will be installed on March 22. Over the next several weeks, selective demolition, grading, and excavation will be the primary activity on the project site.
Bids will be opened on Wednesday, April 10 for the Driving Range Netting & Poles.
March 10, 2024 - Remember the past and celebrate the future before we shutdown the Oakton Park and Facilties. Join us at the 50 Years and Forward event at the Oakton Ice Arena on March 10 from 1:00pm-3:00pm. This is a FREE event open to the public. Click here to learn more about the event.
February 21, 2024 - Bids will be opened on Wednesday, February 28 for the following packages:
- General Trades
- Site Utilities
- Electric
- Demolition
- Aluminum Frames & Glazing
- Fire Protection
- Plumbing
February 1, 2024 - Bids for the project continue. The following bid packages have been opened since the last update:
- Masonry on January 31, 2024
- Electrical equipment on January 24, 2024
- Structural steel on January 24, 2024
- Roofing on January 24, 2024
- Bleachers on January 24, 2024
- Dasher Boards on January 24, 2024
- Netting on January 24, 2024
- HVAC on January 24, 2024
December 21, 2023 - A pre-permit application review meeting with the City of Park Ridge took place this week, and the project permit will be submitted for review by the end of the week.
The Bid packages were opened for the project so far:
- Pre-Engineered Metal Building on October 31, 2023
- Ice Rink Refrigeration on November 29, 2023
- Site Excavation on December 20, 2023
- Building Concrete on December 20, 2023
- Asphalt on December 20, 2023
- Tree Removal on December 20, 2023
- Site Concrete on December 20, 2023
Bid notices are available on our website.
Review Notices
August 17, 2023 - On July 19, Park District Staff and Wight & Co. (Wight) had a day-long meeting to complete a room by room review of exterior and interior project details. Wight is continuing to refine the plan based on feedback and discussion during that meeting.
Wight has submitted applications with the City’s Community Preservation & Development Department for the Oakton Project. The project is expected to be on the agenda for the September 26 Planning & Zoning meeting, the September 27 Appearance Commission meeting and the September 28 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting.
July 20, 2023 - Staff has been meeting to create owner purchase items lists and budgets that include items such as furniture and equipment. Wight & Co. has been working on facade and interior details and creating conceptual views. Staff is meeting with them on July 19 for a room-by-room review.
June 15, 2023 - On June 5, during the City of Park Ridge Committee Meeting, the City Council provided staff consensus and direction to allow for the vacation of an unused City right-of-way that divides some of the parcels that comprise of Oakton Park.
May 18, 2023 - Staff continue to have meetings with Wight & Co. to review/refine various needs of the project. Most recently, we met to review the needs for the driving range netting and poles, talked through the current budget estimate, and prepared for a meeting with the City related to stormwater requirements. Additional information is being gathered on artificial turf with the intention to bring a recommendation to the Board at a future meeting. After the May 4 meeting, the presentation with a link to the survey was made available online and results are still being collected. In addition, staff plans to visit the artificial turf fields in Schaumburg and Woodridge, as well as discuss the use of these fields with programming and maintenance staff.
May 10, 2023 - Information regarding the indoor artificial turf field at Oakton Park was presented at the Board Meeting on Thursday, May 4, and a brief survey was distributed to those in attendance to provide input on the various options. If you were not able to join us, but are interested in learning more, we encourage you to watch the recording of the Board Meeting. This presentation is at the beginning of the meeting, starting at 1 min, 10 sec in the video.
Watch the Board Video
Also at the Board Meeting, James Thormeyer, Senior Project Manager at Wight & Company, provided a Design Update on the Oakton Facility and Park Project. This presentation starts at 45 minutes in the Board Meeting recording linked above.
All major components of plan presented to the public during the referendum process remain in the revised plan. The differences between the conceptual plan and this more detailed plan include:
- Current support building is completely redesigned and repurposed for the team and coaches rooms
- Inside the ice rink, the bleacher seating is relocated to the East
- Two team rooms have been added to the space adjacent to the Studio Rink
- Storage for Indoor Turf Field has been shifted to East side of building
The changes in the design have resulted in the facility now being 103,675 square feet versus 112,000 square feet as presented in the conceptual plan. With the proposed changes to the facility design, we are also anticipating being able to save an additional 10 trees on the site.
Design Update Presentation
We are currently in the design development phase of the project that will go though July 2023.
April 20, 2023 - Sub-consultant agreements for the following have been executed and work is underway: Land survey and topography, Soil borings, and Traffic Study. The Project Team met to review facility layout updates that are part of a continuing effort to meet the programmatic needs of the Park District in the most efficient manner. Wight & Company is currently working on a budget update as a means to continuously monitor how the current economic conditions are impacting the project.