

About the Hills

Centennial Park Sled Hill

Sled at your own risk. Sleds only. No skis or snowboards allowed.

Maine Park Bunny Hill

This hill is perfect sledding for ages 2-5. The small hill is located at the south end of Maine Park adjacent to the baseball diamond.


  • Sledding can be dangerous and pose substantial risk. Use the hill at your own risk.
  • Parents are responsible for their children. No supervision is provided.
  • Use caution when sledding and be considerate of others.
  • Sledding is only permitted on the north side of the hill designated for sledding.
  • Please use steps to climb hill.
  • Construction of ramps is not permitted.
  • Please clear the bottom of the hill promptly.


Dawn - 9:00pm


Centennial Park

100 S. Western Ave.
Park Ridge, Illinois

Maine Park

2701 W. Sibley St.
Park Ridge, Illinois

