Wildwood Ponds

Wildwood Ponds

General Information

Maine Park, the location of the Wildwood Nature Center, is home to two ponds encompassing approximately two acres. The ponds are home to a variety of wildlife including fish, American toads, bullfrogs, dragonflies, snails, aquatic turtles, a mating pair of the endangered Black Crowned Night Heron, Great Blue Herons, Green Herons, as well as many other animals.

Fishing and Pole Rental

From March to October, take part in Fishing and Pond Dipping !

Fishing poles and pond dipping nets can be checked out during our Wildwood Nature Center visiting hours. To borrow a fishing pole, we ask for a $5 refundable deposit (return the pole and your money is returned) per fishing pole. The Maine Park ponds are home to Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, and Channel Catfish, and the ponds are catch and release. Fishers need to bring their own bait and have a valid fishing license if over the age of 18. Help keep the pond safe for people, plants, and wildlife, and be sure to clean up any garbage and fishing line.


529 Forestview Ave.
Park Ridge, Illinois




Sunrise to sunset