Thor Guard

Thor Guard

Thor Guard Lightning Prediction System

Your safety is our top priority. Our parks, athletic fields, pools, golf and baseball facilities, outdoor parks and property are protected by Thor Guard from April 1 to November 1. The Thor Guard Lightning Prediction System consists of sensors within the City of Park Ridge that measure electrostatic charges at ground level and in the atmosphere. When conditions indicate that a lightning occurrence is probable, alarm horns provide an 8-12 minute warning to clear areas and seek shelter.

Thor Guard operates 6:00am to 11:00pm, 7 days a week.

The alarm horns are at Maine East High School, North Park, Northwest Park (Franklin School), Oakton Pool, Woodland Park, Ni-Ridge Park, Jefferson/Emerson School site, Hodges Park, Northeast Park (Field School), Maine Park, Carpenter School, Hinkley Park, Centennial Park (Lincoln/Washington Schools), Maine South High School, South Park (Roosevelt School), Jaycee Park, Brickton Park, and Southwest Park.

You can monitor Thor Guard's warning system located at four Park District locations right from your computer or smart phone. 

Thor Guard Lightning Prediction System

System Guidelines

One Long Blast...Seek Cover Fast!
Three Short Sounds...Safe to Be Around.

  1. Warning Horn will sound a 15 second blast when a potentially dangerous weather situation is approaching. Clear the field immediately and seek proper shelter.
  2. Wait for the All Clear (3 short blasts). If no all-clear signal sounds after 20 minutes, cancel the event.
  3. Lead by example. All adults should also clear the field.

CAUTION: The Thor Guard System helps assess the conditions. Neither the signal nor the system is intended to guarantee that conditions are safe. If the weather is threatening and no warning signal is heard or seen, use good judgment and clear the park. Do not wait for the warning signal to activate, as the system can malfunction.

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