Outdoor Pool Passes

Passes for Summer 2025 go on sale on April 1!

  • Resident Early Bird Pool Passes are sold until May 31. Regular season pricing begins June 1. 
  • Anyone entering the facility must have a Pool Pass or pay daily admission, starting at 12 months of age. Children turning 1 by May 24 must purchase a pass. 
  • Daily fee age breakdown: 11 months & younger=Free  /  Child=Ages 1-17  /  Adult=Ages 18 & up  /  Senior=Age 65 & up
  • All pass holders must have a valid picture in our system. If you do not have a picture, please visit Maine Park Leisure Center, Centennial Fitness Center, or Centennial Activity Center to have your picture taken.
  • Full refunds will be granted for season pool passes issued before May 31. Starting June 1, prorated refunds will only be issued for medical reasons. 
  • Children 8 years of age and younger must be accompanied by a responsible person 16 years of age or older.
  • Please note: Your receipt for aquatics daily admission fees cannot be credited towards the purchase of a seasonal pool pass.


Weather Policy

Opening and closing of the pool is subject to prevailing weather conditions, including cold weather (temperature at 68 degrees or below) electrical or thunder storms, or heavy rain. Or, if there are:

• 25 or less guests within an hour time at Centennial Aquatic Center
• 10 or less guests within an hour time at Hinkley Pool
• No guests for two hours at South Park Pool
• No guests for two hours at Prospect Park Splash Pad

Check Status

2025 Pass Rates


Resident Early Bird

Apr 1 - May 31


Beginning June 1


Individual $110 $128 $195
Family of 2 $166 $194 $289
Family of 3 $222 $259 $386
Family of 4 $249 $289 $435
Family of 5 $273 $312 $473
Family of 6 $293 $333 $503
Family of 7 $315 $359 $545
Family of 8 $337 $380 $568
Family of 9 $359 $403 $598
Nanny Pass $110 $128 N/A
Senior Pass (Age 65+) $99 $109 $153
Senior Couple $148 $166 $232
Twilight N/A $72 $132

Twilight Pass applies to Centennial Aquatic Center only, 6:00pm-8:00pm.

Nanny Passes

  • Nanny Pass cannot be renewed online.
  • One Nanny Pass per family.
  • Must be employed by a family holding a 2025 Pool Pass. Nannies may not be counted as an additional family member. 
  • Must provide documentation of employment. Proof of employment can be presented via email from employer by submitting a family information form for the nanny to recreation@prparks.org. The information form must have the nanny’s pertinent information (their name, address, phone, email).
  • Nanny will have to come in to one of the facilities listed below to get photo ID card printed (unless they have a pass ID card from previous seasons).

Residency Verification

Has it been a while since your last registration with the Park Ridge Park District? Online registrants are required to submit a Family Information Form and proof of residency before gaining access to the online registration process. Your residency verification is valid for two years.

Renew and Check Status

Residency Verification

Printed Pool Passes & Photos

Patrons who purchase a pool pass online can take their photos and receive their printed pool passes at the facilities listed below. Please note, If you have a printed pool pass from previous years, you do not need to come in for a new photo and printed pass.

Maine Park Leisure Center, 2701 W. Sibley St.
Monday-Thursday: 8:30am-8:00pm
Friday:  8:30am-4:30pm
Saturday:  9:00am-Noon

Centennial Activity Center, 100 S. Western Ave.
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm

Centennial Fitness Center, 1515 W. Touhy Ave.
Monday-Thursday: 5:30am-9:00pm
Friday: 5:30am-8:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: 7:00am-5:00pm

Use Your Phone to Pull Up Your Pool Pass!

If you are unable to find your physical pool pass ID card, you can log into your online registration household account on your phone to pull up your membership barcode for the admission desk. 

  1. From prparks.org home page, click on Registration at the top right of the screen.
  2. Log into your account. At the top of the screen you will see “My Membership Card”.
  3. Choose your name (if multiple people in the household have memberships) and it will show your active memberships and the barcode.
  4. This can be used for all memberships under your name.
  5. You can take a screenshot of your membership card barcode and scan it at the entrance to the aquatic facilities.
Use Your Phone to Pull Up Your Pool Pass!