March 19, 2025 - The pavilion and restrooms have passed all rough inspections. Next week the carpenter will close off the plumbing wall and the building will get stained. After that, the plumbing fixtures will be installed. Additionally, concrete work is scheduled for next week. The playground has some final work, and will open next week. Please watch for updates regarding when it is safe to play.
We are still waiting for asphalt plants to open for the season to complete the parking lot and pathways. And, we are working to confirm scheduling for the color coating of the sports courts.
December 17, 2024 - Due to last week’s cold temperatures, the parking lot resurfacing was unable to begin, and the asphalt plants have now closed for the season. As a result, the parking lot and pathway resurfacing projects will be deferred until spring. In the interim, pathways will have stone installed to ensure they remain walkable and safe, and pothole repairs will be completed in the parking lot for the winter.
In other updates, the rain gardens near the sports courts have been excavated and rough graded. The pavilion frame has been installed, and the contractor expects to complete the pavilion work by the end of the year.
December 5, 2024 - The playground perimeter fencing is to be installed in the next two weeks. The minor utility work, mulch leveling, and clean up needs to occur then the playground will open.
Work on the pavilion is ongoing and is scheduled for completion within the next three weeks.
The pathways around Kalina field are in progress, and asphalt is scheduled for Monday and Tuesday of next week. The parking lot resurfacing will also likely be completed next week, weather permitting. The parking lot will temporarily close while work is being conducted, but will be open after working hours on both days (3:00pm).
November 20, 2024 - The poured in place surfacing has been installed at the playground, and the engineered wood fiber will be installed around the swings and the playground soon. The playground will be opened once concrete work has been completed.
Concrete installation around the shelter and connecting pathways is underway. Construction continues on the restroom facility/picnic shelter. The tennis/pickleball courts have been paved, and net post footings were poured. The color coating and lining will occur as soon as weather allows in 2025, which most likely will be around Memorial Day.
October 17, 2024 - The playground equipment installation is nearing completion. The contractor is targeting for the playground surface to be installed this fall, weather permitting. The restroom/picnic pavilion infrastructure is installed. The asphalt for the tennis/pickleball courts is being poured this week.
Additional sewer issues, including 50 feet of collapsed pipe, have been discovered on the project. An updated plan has been submitted to MWRD. Stormwater and sanitary sewer work cannot be completed until this is approved.
September 19, 2024 - Concrete curb for the playground and concrete footings for the tennis court fencing was installed this week. The tennis court fencing will be installed next week. The playground is scheduled to be delivered the first week of October.
September 12, 2024 - Tennis court fencing will start this week. Curbing for the tennis courts will be poured next week, weather permitting.
August 21, 2024 - Construction has begun at South Park starting with the tennis courts and playground.
August 12, 2024 - Last week, the full permit for the project was issued by the City. Private utility locate occurred on Monday. The construction fence and demolition will begin this week starting with the tennis courts and playground.
June 28, 2024 - MWRD has sent our permit up for final review. This process can take a week or two, but we expect the permit to be issued soon.
June 7, 2024 - MWRD has replied with new and different comments for the engineer, and we are working to address the comments for resubmittal.
May 3, 2024 - A preconstruction meeting took place this week. We are still waiting for permit approval from Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD). The project will begin once the permit is issued.
April 19, 2024 - A preconstruction meeting is to be scheduled at the end of the month.
February 21, 2024 - The project went out to bid on February 15, and a pre-bid meeting was held on-site on February 20. Bids will be opened on March 5.
February 1, 2024 - The project is scheduled to go out to bid on February 15.
December 21,2023 - The plans have been submitted for permitting.
December 6, 2023 - Plans are 90% complete and will be submitted this month for permitting. The project will go out to bid in February 2024.
November 8, 2023 - A virtual community meeting was held on November 7 for input on the playground design. Please see the Planning Process section above for a recording of the meeting and a copy of the presentation.
October 19, 2023 - Staff met again with Upland Design for a design development meeting for the playground. Upland Design has developed three playground plans for public input which will be presented a the public input meeting schedule for November 7. The results of the meeting will help shape the direction of the playground. More information about this meeting is located further up on this page under the Planning Process section.
September 27, 2023 - Staff met with Upland Design to review playground options for the project. A community input meeting will be scheduled to gather public input on the project. Please check back for more information on that meeting.
September 7, 2023 - Staff is working with Upland Design, the architects on this project, on design options for the playground. A community input meeting will be held this Autumn to gather feedback and better understand the community's needs regarding the playground. Please check back for more information.