Adult Leagues
Engage in friendly competition and stay active by joining our Adult Sports Leagues, featuring softball, men's soccer, men's basketball, and volleyball.
This Winter, the District is offering the following Adult Leagues:
Men's Basketball League
Thursdays, January 23-April 10
6:20pm - 10:00pm
at Centennial Fitness Center gym
The basketball leagues have a regular season and playoffs. The number of games played depends on the number of teams registered, but should be around 9-11 games. Monetary prizes are awarded for regular season champions and playoff winners.
$875 per team
Registration deadline: January 17
Captains should contact Jim Dihu, Athletic Supervisor, at 847-692-3316 for more information and to register.
Co-Ed Volleyball League
Tuesdays, January 21-April 8
6:00pm - 10:00pm
at Centennial Fitness Center gym
Register for our co-ed volleyball league. Games are held at the Centennial Fitness Center with one referee per match. Space is limited, so register early.
$100 per team
Registration deadline: January 16
Captains should contact Jim Dihu, Athletic Supervisor, at 847-692-3316 for more information and to register.