Sports Leagues

Sports Leagues

Join a League

The Park Ridge Park District offers league play for both adults and youth. Name your game; year round you can find a variety of leagues!

Youth Leagues

Youth sports leagues for Baseball/Softball, Football & Cheer, and Soccer are offered through our Affiliates. 

Learn More

Youth Basketball League

The Park Ridge Park District annually offers a Youth Basketball League for boys and girls in grades 2nd through 8th. Information is provided in the Autumn brochure. Registration opens September 3, 2024. Practices begin in early November, and games begin in early December. 

We also offer a boys High School Basketball League for 9th through 12th grades. Information is provided in the Autumn brochure. Practices begin in early January. 

View 2024/2025 Basketball Information

Adult Leagues

Engage in friendly competition and stay active by joining our Adult Sports Leagues, featuring softball, men's soccer, men's basketball, and volleyball.

This Spring, the District is offering the following Adult Leagues:

Men's 7-on-7 Soccer League

Sundays, April 27 - July 13
9:00am - Noon
at Emerson Middle School

Teams are allowed to have a roster of up to 15 players. Captains should contact Jim Dihu, Athletic Supervisor, at 847-692-3316 for more information. Team t-shirts are provided; players must purchase their own socks and shin guards. No games May 26 & July 7.

$825 per team
Registration deadline: April 18

Captains should contact Jim Dihu, Athletic Supervisor, at 847-692-3316 for more information and to register.

Co-Ed Volleyball League

Tuesdays, April 29 - July 8
6:00pm - 9:20pm
at Centennial Fitness Center gym

Register for our co-ed volleyball league. Games are held at the Centennial Fitness Center with one referee per match. Space is limited, so register early.

$400 per team
Registration deadline: April 18

Captains should contact Jim Dihu, Athletic Supervisor, at 847-692-3316 for more information and to register.

Men's 16" Softball Leagues

Tuesdays, May 6 - July 22 or Thursday, May 8 - July 24
6:00pm - 8:20pm or 8:20pm - 10:40pm
at Hinkley Park

The softball leagues have a regular season and playoffs. The number of games played depends on the number of teams registered, but should be in the range of 9-11 games. Monetary prizes are awarded for regular season champions and playoff winners. Full payment must accompany
your registration. 

$825 per team
Registration deadline: April 18

Captains should contact Jim Dihu, Athletic Supervisor, at 847-692-3316 for more information and to register.

Men's Basketball League

Thursdays, May 8 - July 31
6:00pm - 9:00pm
at Centennial Fitness Center gym

The basketball leagues have a regular season and playoffs. The number of games played depends on the number of teams registered, but should be around 9-11 games. Monetary prizes are awarded for regular season champions and playoff winners.

$875 per team
Registration deadline: May 1

Captains should contact Jim Dihu, Athletic Supervisor, at 847-692-3316 for more information and to register.