Earth Day Celebration

Categories: Events
image Earth Day Celebration

Enjoy fun earth-inspired activities, create recycled crafts, discover live birds of prey and creatures big and small in the animal meet and greet, shop from eco-friendly vendors, learn from “green” organizations, give Smokey Bear and the Lorax a high five, and rope climb up a tree. In case of inclement weather, the event will be indoors at Maine Park Leisure Center.

Schedule of Events

  • 11:00am-3:00pm Games, Recycled Crafts, Raffles and Prizes, Eco-Friendly Products/Services, Smokey Bear, Tree Rope Climb, Food and Drinks for sale
  • 11:00am-1:00pm Illinois Bird of Prey from the Northern Illinois Raptor Center
  • 11:30am-Noon Ascension Dance Company performance
  • 1:00pm-2:30pm Scales and Tales Animal Meet and Greet
  • 2:30pm Reading of Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax and special appearance by The Lorax

Bring gently used items to recycle!

  • Us Again collection bin: clothes and shoes
  • Old towels, sheets, blankets, and pillow cases (for wildlife rehabs)
  • Park Ridge Public Library: gently used books, games, movies, CDs; the donation drop box is located outside at the back of the library near the staff parking area
  • Harbour House: young women's business casual clothing, holiday and birthday decorations
  • Share our Spare: baby supplies
  • WINGS Program, Inc.: women's, men's, and children's clothing, scarves, shoes, purses, handbags

Thank you to our sponsor: 

Registration Details

Ages: All Ages

Location: Maine Park Leisure Center

Registration: Free

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