How to Register

How to Register

Registration Is Simple

You can register in real-time online for Park Ridge Park District classes. Your favorite programs, events, trips and camps are available with a click!

In-person registration is available during office hours at the Maine Park Leisure Center, Centennial Activity Center, or Centennial Fitness Center. Additionally, patrons may also register via mail.

Register Online Program Brochures

Registration Is Simple

Important Registration Information

General Information

  • Registration is ongoing for 2025 Summer Camp Programs.
  • Registration for 2025 Summer Programs opens online at 7:30am and in person at 8:30am on Monday, May 5 for residents and at 8:30am on Friday, May 9 for non-residents.
  • In the event that a class or camp is full, you will be waitlisted for your first choice and placed in your alternate choice, provided an opening exists.
  • If you have been placed on the waitlist for a class and an opening becomes available, staff will contact you. If you wish to be placed in an alternate class, please contact us at 847-692-5127. 
  • If ADA accommodations are needed, please contact 847-692-5127 or
  • $15 service charge for all NSF checks.
  • A $5 administrative fee will be charged for program withdrawals.

Summer Camp Registration Waiting Room

The Park District’s software vendor, Vermont Systems Inc, implements a virtual waiting room feature on the first day of Summer Camp Registration. The virtual waiting room helps manage this high-volume registration event, ensuring that user volume does not exceed the website’s ability to provide a responsive registration experience. Click the button below to learn more about the Virtual Waiting Room and tips for a positive registration experience.

Learn more

Proof of Residency Required

When creating an account and providing proof of residency for your family members, a residency verification membership will be applied to your account. Your residency verification is valid for two years. Every two years, you will need to provide proof of residency for your residency verification to be renewed. Acceptable forms of proof of residency are as follows: current driver’s license or current utility bill within 30 days. Failure to comply will delay processing of your registration.

Learn more


Park Ridge Park District is a member of Park District Risk Management Agency (PDRMA). PDRMA is a self-insured pool that provides liability, workman’s comp, and property insurance to its agencies. PDRMA does not provide medical accident insurance.

As part of its loss control program, PDRMA requires each agency to have its participants sign a “Release and Hold Harmless Agreement” for all activities. The agreement is located at the bottom of each registration form and is provided along with league roster information.

Photos & Videos

The Park Ridge Park District occasionally takes photographs or video of participants, staff, and volunteers for promoting/advertising our programs, services, events, activities, and facilities in our brochures, website, or agency social media, and other promotional avenues. By registering for, participating in, working as an employee and/or volunteer, or attending Park Ridge Park District programs, events, or other activities, the participant (or parent/guardian or a minor), employee or volunteer irrevocably agrees to the use and distribution by the Park Ridge Park District of his or her image (or of his minor child/ward) in photographs, video recordings, and any other electronic reproductions of such programs, events, and activities for any purpose without inspection or approval and without compensation, rights to royalties, or any other consideration now and in the future.

Privacy Statement

The Park Ridge Park District is dedicated to preserving your privacy and security while viewing our web site and utilizing online registration. We strive to retrieve the minimum amount of information necessary from our patrons in order to provide a host of various services and resources.

Ways to Register


In order to register online, you must fill out a Family Information Form and return it to Park Ridge Park District within five days prior to registration. Residents must also provide proof of residency. 

The Family Information Form and proof of residency must be submitted by email to or in person at one of the following facilities: Centennial Activity Center, Centennial Fitness Center, or Maine Park Leisure Center.

Once your account is created, you will receive an email from that contains a link which will direct you to our registration site to create a password for access to online registration. Please be aware that this link expires 24 hours after the email is sent.   

Acceptable forms of proof of residency include:

  • Current driver’s license
  • Current utility bill (within the last 30 days)

To retrieve your username and password, visit our online registration area. Once there, select the My Account button at the top of the page and click on the ‘Forgot Username’ or ‘Forgot Password’ buttons and follow the prompts. Your login information will be emailed to you and then you’ll be ready to register online!

Register Online

Creating A Household Account

Please watch this short tutorial to learn how to create a household account.

Registering Online

Please watch this short tutorial to learn how to register online.

Other Ways to Register

  • In Person - Register in person at Maine Park Leisure Center, 2701 W. Sibley Street; Centennial Fitness Center, 1515 W. Touhy Avenue; and Centennial Activity Center, 100 S. Western Avenue. Registration is processed in real-time. A receipt can be printed or emailed to you at the time of registration.
  • Fax - Fax registration forms and proof of residency with complete credit card information to 847-692-6949.
  • Mail - Mail registration forms, proof of residency, and payment to: Registration, Park Ridge Park District, 2701 West Sibley Street, Park Ridge, IL 60068.
  • Drop Off - Place registration forms, proof of residency, and payment in an envelope and bring to Maine Park Leisure Center at 2701 W. Sibley Street. Registrations are held until the end of the day once registration begins and then processed.